
A Catholic Pro-Life Approach to Health Care

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The Catholic Health Sharing Option

Christ asks us to Share each other’s burdens, to love our neighbor as ourselves. If you are looking for an affordable, authentically Catholic health sharing option, see what CURO has to offer.

  • All Belong and Thrive benefits
  • Health sharing through Samaritan Ministries International*
  • Catholic Prayer Community
  • Personal help navigating medical needs
  • Fully accredited by the Healthcare Sharing Accreditation Board

Cost: $84*/mo

“CMF CURO is a health care ministry; it’s actually well beyond insurance. CMF CURO is helping me meet all my financial obligations and go well beyond that in holding me up in prayer. This is more than a guarantee—it’s a way of life and it’s putting your faith into action.”

Jack and Laura

Share Members

What’s Included


Health Sharing Support

CURO’s Whole Health Sharing includes all the programs and services offered by CURO (Belong, Thrive and more), while also providing support throughout the health care sharing process.


Navigate Samaritan Ministries

Share members are individuals and families looking for a pro-life, health care sharing option that allows them to take an active part in their whole health, spirit, mind, and body. Members join Samaritan Ministries International (SMI)*, one of the nation’s most established health care sharing ministries, giving you an affordable health care sharing experience that aligns with Catholic teaching and your family’s values.


Concierge Support

CURO walks with you through our Integrated Concierge Support whenever you experience a medical event, require assistance navigating the needs or sharing process or need help finding or working with health care providers. This support also includes spiritual accompaniment through direct intercessory prayer for your healing.


Find Catholic Health Care Providers

With our growing Physician Community, along with other partnerships and resources, we can help you find Catholic health care professionals that will respect your desire to receive care in accordance with your conscience and Church teaching.


Health Care Sharing through Samaritan Ministries*

Click here for an in-depth overview of health care sharing through SMI, including full program costs.

*Additional registration & monthly share cost required through membership with Samaritan Ministries International

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Questions? Give us a call or download the CMF CURO Share info guide!