“The dignity of the human person is rooted in his creation in the image and likeness of God; it is fulfilled in his vocation to divine beatitude. It is essential to a human being freely to direct himself to this fulfillment.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, §1700

The Importance of Understanding the Human Person

We are living in a time and place where many believe the meaning of the human person is starkly different from what we as Catholics know to be true. Many have a perception of the human person that is antithetical to Catholic teaching and even deny that human nature exists. Sometimes we may feel like we are caught in the middle of a battle, as competing ideologies fight to promote their own ideas of what the purpose of life truly is. 

If we can’t answer the question, “What is the meaning of a human person?”, then we can’t answer anything else, as all rights and causes stem from this question. Our culture is currently in a great ideological war over what being a human means as evident in the political upheaval this past year. And because of this, the right to life continues to be called into question. 

2021 March for Life : A Chance for Unity

On January 29, 2021 thousands will virtually gather to stand for life at the 48th annual March for Life in Washington D.C. Among these are people from different races, political parties, and religious beliefs proving that amidst national upheaval and a global pandemic, one thing that unites us all: our shared humanity. 

The March for Life has taken place since the inception of Roe V. Wade nearly 48 years ago as a call for the overturning of legalized abortion in the United States and to give a voice to the millions upon millions who have been killed as a result. While this year’s March will look a bit different in light of COVID-19 and the political environment, its mission remains the same: to remind our nation that life is sacred and no man or woman has the right to abolish it regardless of circumstance. 

Remembering Our Shared Human Dignity Despite Isolation

Now, more than ever, as the pandemic rages on, this message needs to be peacefully and courageously promoted! In our isolation, the temptation to view our fellow brothers and sisters as simply transmitters of disease or as something to be feared, is very real. We must not forget the dignity of all human life and the wholeness of every human person, body, mind, and spirit as asserted by the teachings of the Church. 

In addition to attending the March virtually this year, here are some additional ways we can defend the unborn in response to all those lost to the horrors of abortion: 

  1. Join the 2021 March for Life Virtually: Join the virtual rally via livestream with people from all over our nation!
  2. Participate in a Local March: Check to see if any local walks or marches are occurring in your immediate area! The March for Life’s official website provides a convenient search tool which can be found here
  3. Make Your Voice Heard:
  4. Get Involved with Your Diocese’s Pro-life Ministry: Visit your diocesan website or call the diocese’s family life office to see how you can get involved with a diocesan or parish pro-life ministry in your area.
  5. Pray:
    • Call upon patrons of the unborn such as Our Lady of Guadalupe and her spouse St. Joseph for an end to abortion and all threats against the dignity of the human person. Our greatest resources are our friends in Heaven who are closest to God!