CMF CURO Community Specialist Mariah Buzza shares “Songs for Summer”, a curated Spotify playlist to help you stay “spiritually hydrated” this Summer!

Does the heat of summer have you also feeling a bit spiritually dry? Looking for some help in enhancing your spiritual life? CMF CURO has put together the Songs for Summer playlist to help you reflect on your spiritual life as you endure the mundane heat that often comes with summer months! We encourage you to reflect on the ways that God has been present in this sunny season as you listen to these awesome tunes!

1. I Can’t Help Myself by Tow’rs

Summer is often a time of travel and motion. It is often in this motion that we form some of our most memorable experiences and have the opportunity to grow. Just like the seasons, we change with time. In what ways have you changed with the seasons this year? Where has God been in this growth?

2. Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong UNITED

Perhaps you and your family are visiting ocean destinations this summer. As you gaze out on the vast blue body of water, may you be reminded that if God is with you, you will not sink. You belong to Him and He has given Himself to you. May your trust truly be without borders.

3. Surfin’ U.S.A. by the Beach Boys

Perhaps on these visits to the beach you or someone you know got the opportunity to catch some waves. Even if that wasn’t the case, let this song be a vehicle to help you reflect on the joy you’ve experienced with family or friends in these summer months. 

4. Hold Us Together by Matt Maher

There is something about summer that encourages communal gatherings, like barbecues and pool parties. In what ways have you been immersed in community this summer? How has this community supported you? In what ways does community reflect God?

5. Awake My Soul by Mumford & Sons

The heat of summer can often make us feel tired. And for some, maybe even bored. It is acts of love in imitation of Christ that truly enliven and Awaken Our Souls. In what ways has your soul been awakened these summer months? Where have you invested your love?

6. Come Alive (Dry Bones) by Lauren Daigle

When we look around us it’s easy to be discouraged by the amount of spiritual dryness that seems to embody our world at present. But we have a God who can make armies out of ashes. Let us not forget to pray for those enslaved by the evil one who are craving the waters of eternal life in the dryness of summer.

7. Speak Life by TobyMac

With summer travel we often have the opportunity to meet and receive many new people. Don’t forget to speak words of life to all you encounter!

8. Through Your Eyes by Britt Nicole

If you have had extra time to sit and reflect this summer, maybe you’ve been struck by how a God so powerful loves weak humanity so much. Or maybe you’ve struggled with the belief that God does indeed love you. When we see ourselves through God’s eyes we come alive with love. Ask the Holy Spirit to penetrate your heart with this love in moments of self-doubt.

9. Be My Escape by Relient K

This fast and punky tune is a classic and profound reminder that we cannot live the Christian life alone or without a relationship with Christ. Despite all error and sin, Christ remains at our side to help us escape the traps we set for ourselves. We must look to Him for the key.

10. Fix My Eyes by for King and Country

As we move forward this summer, let us commit to keeping our eyes fixed on Christ!

We hope you enjoy these summer songs! We are praying for you as you journey through this summer with Our Lord!