Today we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. Why do Catholics celebrate the lives of the Saints? Why do we ask for their Intercession? St. Thomas Moore answers these questions saying, “Those in the Catholic Church, whom some rebuke for praying to Saints and going on pilgrimages, do not seek any Saint as their savior. Instead, they seek saints as those whom their Savior loves, and whose intercession and prayer for the seeker He will be content to hear. For His Own sake, He would have those He loves honored. And when they are thus honored for His sake, then the honor that is given them for His sake overflows especially to Himself.”

At CURO, we know the importance of Community. We are made for relationship, and know the path to holiness includes our relationship with God and others. On this feast of All Saints Day, let us seek to grow in relationship with the Saints. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ who have ‘won the race.’ Because of this, they can help us as we strive towards Heaven. As we seek for wellness and whole health is Spirit, Mind, and Body, the Saints can lead us. The communion of Saints can provide us with inspiration and prayers as we seek to live Fully Alive.