It has been a busy month for CMF CURO in DC! The past few weeks, our team has:

  • Attended the House Values Action Team meeting, chaired by Congresswoman Hartzler (R-MO), where among other issues we discussed the need for the Conscience Protection Act and other legislation to protect the right of conscience for medical professionals, hospitals, and other health care entities.
  • Met with staff of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to brief them on Christ-centered Catholic medical clinics and the value of health sharing, among other topics.
  • Met with staff of U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) to discuss the status of prospective health care legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
  • Met with Alliance Defending Freedom, the pro-life and pro-religious freedom law firm that works heavily on protecting religious freedom in health care.  We discussed the latest developments ongoing legal battles to protect religious freedom.
  • Interviewed on EWTN’s new television show, ‘Pro-Life Weekly’ where we discussed the right of conscience, religious freedom, and the health care debate.
  • Provided commentary in an interview with ‘America’ magazine, the renown Jesuit publication, about the ongoing fight to protect religious freedom in health care on the federal and state level.
  • Issued a Christ Medicus Foundation statement on health care reform that was quoted in a Catholic News Agency article on health care legislation in Congress.
  • Continued work with the Alliance for Health Sharing to ensure that health sharing ministries are advanced within any future health care reform legislation.