Do you love being part of our Catholic community, but don’t know how to share who we are and what we offer? Here are five tips to help you spread the news and refer our ministry!

  1. Start by creating a list of people you think might be interested in CMF CURO. This can include family members, friends, fellow parishioners and those in your Catholic community, bible groups, social media friends and followers, and school groups.
  2. Equip yourself. Gather and familiarize yourself with our provided literature and fliers to pass on to potential members.
  3. Get in touch! Reach out – whether in person, by phone, email, or on social media – to begin the conversation. Send an email using our prepared template, or pass on our flier to inform about what CMF CURO is.
  4.  Make it personal. Share your experience with CMF CURO. Tell your story, your favorite parts of our community, and the benefits you have received from your membership. Read what our other members say.
  5. Connect them to a representative here at CMF CURO, and we’ll take it from there! We would be happy to speak to them further about the benefits of CMF CURO membership.

Thank you for your help in spreading the word about our growing community of Catholics living and sharing their faith in health care.