A Reflection on Toilet Paper, Faith & Community

We want to share this reflection by one of our CMF CURO team members, Victoria Valent. You’ll recognize her as our Assistant Director of Administration and Events. She’s also responsible for the majority of our Daily Reflections and inspirational posts that we share daily on Facebook and Instagram.

Victoria recently shared this on her personal Facebook page amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and grocery store panic:

“I went to Walmart earlier today, walked down the toilet paper aisle, and saw a big package of Charmin on the shelf. As I went to go grab it, I looked up and saw a old man wearing a WWII hat walking down the same aisle. I figured he was coming to get toilet paper, so I offered to grab it for him since it was clear in the back under the shelf. He seemed really shocked and surprised that I was giving it him. I told him that it was no problem; I still had a few rolls still at home, and I put it in his cart.

After I put the toilet paper in his cart, he said thank you many times. Then, he explained that he and his wife had been out of toilet paper for two days and every time he comes in they are out. 😭So, I went and did some more shopping in the store and on my way to check out I decided to go down the toilet paper aisle again- just for the heck of it. And you will not believe this:

There was a small package of toilet paper (9 rolls) sitting right there on the main shelf and not a person around. I normally don’t post things like this but it just reminded me that sometimes even if you feel like otherwise, God will always provide.”

Victoria’s original Facebook post can be found here:

Went to Walmart earlier today and went down the toilet paper aisle and there was a big package of charmin on the…

Posted by Victoria Valent on Friday, March 20, 2020