As we enter a time when many face personal decisions about whether to vaccinate themselves and their families against COVID-19, the Christ Medicus Foundation and CMF CURO are here to be a resource for you. There are many opinions, concerns, and information related to the new COVID-19 vaccines. To ensure that you are well-informed and understand how to form your conscience on this issue, we are providing you with three helpful resources. They are: 

  1. The Note from the Holy See’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), “Note on the morality of using some anti COVID-19 vaccines”

2. The recent statement by the USCCB, “Moral Considerations Regarding the New COVID Vaccines” 

3. The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC)’s “Points to Consider on the Use of COVID-19 Vaccines” 

There are good faith reasons people can justly choose to vaccinate for the protection of oneself and others. There are also good faith reasons people can justly refuse vaccination.  What is needed is respect for the decisions of others, understanding that each of us is striving to follow our conscience, and thus, the Lord’s guidance in our lives. Both those who vaccinate and those who do not vaccinate commune in the one Body of Christ and we should remember to seek unity in the Heart of Christ.

It is important to note and to emphasize that whether one determines to vaccinate or not, we all, as the Church, have an ongoing duty to witness to the culture of life with the opportunities Christ provides for doing so.

As more information becomes available and as circumstances evolve, we will continue to share information with our members.

With prayers for the protection of your family, we entrust each of you to our Lord.