We at CMF CURO have put together a Lenten Playlist to help you get experience Lent in a new way. All songs and previous playlists can be found on Spotify and iTunes).

Lent is a solemn time of fasting, prayer, and abstinence that the Church has ordained for us to focus intently on our spiritual health and the mystery of Christ’s Passion. Just as we have annual exams to check-in on  our physical health, we can think of Lent as an opportunity to check-in on our spiritual health and unite our suffering with Christ’s suffering. Entering into our second Lent amidst a global pandemic, we as a culture have the opportunity to connect with Christ and His Passion like never before.

In these 40 days of Lent, we invite you to reflect on the songs in this Lenten Playlist to orient any suffering  you are experiencing towards Christ. We also encourage you to sign-up to receive our Daily Lenten Reflections sent directly to your inbox!

  1. Circles by Tow’rs

A beautiful song which remembers the fall of Adam and Eve and the effects of suffering we face from original sin. But in the midst of this suffering we are continually searched for by the God that we doubted. We live in a culture that lives in fleeting feelings rather than in love, and while we may sometimes fall into the ways of our culture, Love itself is constantly searching for us.

  1. Talk by Coldplay

The ways of our world can be confusing and flat-out torturous. Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of human life is the ability to listen and be heard. It is only through communication with God-prayer-that we can authentically communicate with anyone else. Make it a point to spend a great deal of time talking with Christ this Lent.

  1. East to West by Casting Crowns

When we focus solely on our sin, we become overwhelmed and discouraged. But when we focus on the crucifixion, we should realize just how much we are worth. Do not let your sin keep you from attaining a relationship with Christ. Instead, let it motivate you to let Christ into your soul so that you may be with Him forever.  

  1. Awake My Soul Mumford and Sons

A reminder that our life’s purpose is to be united with God Himself. Where we invest our love we invest our lives. We were made to meet our maker and it is when we are asleep we forget this. This Lent, call upon the Holy Spirit to awaken your soul that you may desire what God desires and that you may have unity with Him forever. 

  1. Beautiful by MercyMe

Perhaps you are suffering from effects brought about by your own sin. Maybe you’ve fallen into certain sins because of the wounds you carry. Any time we act in a way that is displeasing to God we act against our own goodness. Our sin is truly a lie against our own identity and the beauty we all possess because we are meant to be in relationship with God. You were made for so much more!

  1. If We’re Honest by Francesca Battistelli

If you are struggling with overcoming the shame of a habitual sin, this song can remind you that truth will set you free of the guilt that shame convinces us we must carry. We must offer our shame and our sin to God in Confession. That is where we experience  the forgiveness of Christ most fully in the person of Christ through the priest. It is here we have the opportunity to confront our humiliation, but we are not alone. The one who accompanies us is the one who has overcome it for us.

  1. Just Be Held by Casting Crowns

How often we forget we cannot live a Christian life on our own merit, but by the graces that allow us to be carried and loved by God. We forget that He searches for us even in our drifting and even when we look for Him but are unable to see Him. He is holding you tighter than you are holding on to Him. Have faith!

  1. I’m not who I was by Brandon Heath

We are continually called to be not who we are but who He is. This Lent, pay particular attention to how you are growing into an imitation of Christ as each day passes.

  1. Even If by MercyMe

As we begin in our Lenten journey, it is important to remember that even in those moments when we don’t think we can keep going, God will complete what we cannot. In the words of St. Teresa of Calcutta, “God has not called me to success, but to faithfulness.”

10. Drops in the Ocean by Hawk Nelson

It’s easy to question God’s love for us when we are confronted with our own weakness. How could the God of the universe love me, a weak and wicked creature? While we may not ever be able to answer this question, we need never question His love. After all, He died for the world and would have done so if it was only for you. 

11. At the Table by Josh Garrels

How did I get here? Perhaps this is a question that all sinners ask at some point. The road less traveled is less traveled for a reason. It usually involves going against the current of our own desires or the desires of those around us. But the invitation to join the table of Our Father remains no matter how far we have let the wind of our own sin carry us away.

12. Because He Lives by Matt Maher

Christ’s death and resurrection have given us life everlasting. Through this He has provided us with what we need to spend eternity with God the Father. All we have to do is look to the cross for hope. Because He lives we can face tomorrow in eternity.

We hope this Lenten Playlist brings you to sense of prayerful reflection. We look forward to celebrating the Resurrection of Christ with you in a few weeks!