Health care and wellness is a multi-trillion dollar industry, spanning from doctor visits and insurance plans all the way to the pharmacy and the grocery store. It touches almost every aspect of our lives, and yet we almost never stop to ask ourselves if we’re really getting what we’re paying for, or if it’s even in alignment with our faith and values. 

At CURO, we speak with people every day who are frustrated and confused by the health care system, not knowing where to turn or what they can do. They feel like they are trapped in a system that is “deciding for them” instead of looking at their needs as an individual. 

As you go about looking at your health care choices for the upcoming year, we’ve put together what we feel are the 3 most important questions you should be asking yourself with regards to your care.

Question 1: Does my healthcare really care about me?

This may seem self-evident, but have you asked yourself if your healthcare option, doctor, or insurance plan actually cares about your family’s health and values? Oftentimes it feels like they’re searching for the least expensive way to solve for symptoms rather than digging deeper and working towards authentic, whole-person healing. Authentic healing takes into account the whole person in their spirit, mind, and body–something that takes time and effort while building a relationship. Knowing your doctor and asking important questions about their approach to care can go a long way. If it’s time to change your health care option, CURO can help you find someone you can trust who is aligned with this vision of whole-health wellness.

Question 2: What am I actually paying for?

The cost of health care can feel like cafeteria mystery meat. We don’t know what goes into it, why it costs what it does, or what we’re actually getting, but we do know that it’s hard to swallow. Prices and premiums keep going up, but it’s often unclear what we’re paying for. And sadly, that’s often by design. Many insurance plans cover treatment that should not actually be called care, including abortions, physician assisted suicide, and hormonal treatment surgeries, all of which are often hidden or difficult to determine when reviewing insurance coverage. If you’re looking for a better, simpler option that doesn’t pay for any immoral health care procedures, CURO’s Whole Health Sharing membership is a great choice.

Question 3: Should my faith play a role in my health care?

Viewing our personhood as a gift and knowing that we are created intentionally by a God who loves us should radically change how we view health care. God created us for wholeness and integration in spirit, mind, and body, and our health care is one of the primary ways we can encounter the healing, reintegrating love of Christ the Divine Physician. Our health care choices should lead us toward this integration and be consistent with what we know to be true, respecting the value and dignity of all life. If your health care options don’t help you grow in your whole-person wellness and integration, it may be time for a change. CURO’s Whole Health programs are a great way of bringing your faith into your health care.

If you’d like to learn more about CURO’s Whole Health programs, schedule a time to speak with us today!