This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany! The Epiphany celebrates the Manifestation of Jesus as the Son of God. In other words, through the commemoration of the three wise men bringing gifts to an Infant in a humble manger, it highlights the Kingship of Christ that was first recognized in those who first adored Him. This feast calls us to reflect on how we recognize the Kingship of Christ through our actions and how we structure our lives. As we approach this feast, let us consider how we can recognize the Kingship of Christ through our health care.

Honoring Christ’s Kingship by Honoring Our Bodies

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19

As Paul writes, our bodies our not our own. They are created by God and for God. Because of this we are called to care for our bodies as they are created to function. With reliance on both reason and faith we can honor the Lord’s Kingship by living healthier lives by eating healthy, getting adequate rest, and exercising! By understanding our bodies as gifts from the Lord, and taking care of them as such, we are able to flourish and to more easily bring the Gospel to all we encounter.

Prayer and Offering

We can even honor the ownership the Lord has over our bodies in times of physical illness or injury by offering our suffering for his greater glory. Calling to mind the suffering Christ endured in his own body for the salvation of the world, we can unite our suffering to his for an intention of His will.

If you participate in CURO Share you have the unique opportunity  to pray for those whom you send your monthly share to, especially in their time of bodily suffering.  In this, we are truly living as the Body of Christ and recognizing our identity in it!

Support Catholic Health Care

Seek out health care professionals who approach medicine from a Christ-centered approach! By doing so you are supporting those who boldly allow Christ to act through their healing work. This will and does have tangible effects on the culture of health care and ultimately our world. If you are a member of CURO Share, you can also access a list of Catholic Health Care professionals on your member portal!

On the feast of the Epiphany join us in praying for a renewal of our culture, specifically in health care. That those who work to heal the physical and mental ailments of the human person honor the Author of Human Life by giving loving and whole person care.