“CMF CURO is a health care ministry; it’s actually well beyond insurance. CMF CURO is helping me meet all my financial obligations and go well beyond that in holding me up in prayer. This is more than a guarantee—it’s a way of life and it’s putting your faith into action.”
Jack and Laura, CURO Share members
Happy 2025! From all of us at CMF CURO, we wish you a blessed New Year full of joyful encounters with Our Lord! In every year it is vital that we actively take care of our spirit, mind, and body in accordance with what the Lord desires for each of us. We can and should foster encounters with the Lord through our health care. Catholic health care, such as that provided through CMF CURO, helps us do just that. With this in mind, here are three reasons to support Catholic Healthcare in 2025!
Fosters Authentic Wellbeing
Health Care Solutions with Christ at the center encourage participants to invite the Lord into every step of their health and wellness journey. Here, at CMF CURO, we tangibly do this through providing Spiritual Direction and Catholic Wellness Coaching as a part of the Thrive and Share memberships. On top of this members are encouraged to pray for one another in true community rooted in Christ! Participants in these programs, along with participants in Belong, also have access to faith-based digital wellness content to foster spiritual, mental, and physical health!

Helps Meet Financial Obligations with Samaritan Ministries International
Participants in Share join Samaritan Ministries International (SMI) Health Care Sharing Program to pay for medical costs incurred by illness or injury and receive all programs and resources offered by membership with CMF CURO. CMF CURO helps integrate your Catholic faith into the SMI experience by receiving concierge support, access to a certified Catholic bioethicists when difficult medical decisions arise, and help finding Catholic health care practitioners in your area! By participating in SMI you are sharing your health care costs with like-minded Christians that do not share costs that are opposed to your faith as a Catholic Christian!
Putting Your faith into action
A portion of the CURO membership fee helps the Christ Medicus Foundation (CMF) promote religious freedom for patients and health care professionals through public education initiatives. The Christ Medicus Foundation advocates for religious freedom by assisting in legal initiatives to advance pro-life health care in our nation. And in 2023, CMF assisted in the launch of the Heart of Christ Clinic in Detroit, MI which provides spirit, mind, and body health care for women and families in the area! For more information, please visit christmedicus.org.
Curious to learn more about what supporting CMF can look like? Speak to a representative today about how you can actively care for your spirit, mind, and body in this new year while supporting the pro-life movement!