by Victoria Valent

Each year, the March for Life unites individuals from all over the nation in a remarkable assembly. At the March, pro-life advocates gather in Washington, D.C. and march towards Capitol Hill on the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade. The Dobbs decision has not yet ended the abortion debate, nor has it put an end to abortions. The distressing reality is that over 900,000 abortions occur annually, equating to about 2,500 daily across the nation.

Large crowd holding prolife signs

The March for Life is acknowledged as the biggest annual international human rights demonstration. Yet, it goes beyond simply being a protest. It is a joint celebration of life, where participants come together with a unified goal to honor the sanctity and inherent worth of every human life, beginning at conception til natural death. This gathering envisions a future where every life is recognized, valued, and protected with steadfast perseverance.

Participants often share personal stories and testimonies, highlighting the significant impact of opting for life. The event serves as a platform for education and awareness, featuring speakers from diverse backgrounds, such as medical experts, lawmakers, and individuals who have personally experienced the complexities and joy of choosing life. Statistics and research are frequently presented, showcasing the societal advantages of life-affirming policies and the positive outcomes they bring.

Christ Medicus Foundation at the March

At the March for Life Louis Brown, the Executive Director of Christ Medicus CURO, was in the respected company of prominent figures from the U.S. government including the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the leader of the Senate’s majority party, and the Vice President of the nation.

Louis Brown JD. Executive Director Christ Medicus Foundation at the March for Life 2025

“The crowd was tremendous and people had come from various faith, racial, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds. I had the privilege of representing CMF and standing on stage with other pro-life leaders to advocate for life. I have never felt such opportunity and optimism in the pro-life movement as I did last Friday. In this moment, with great prayer, fasting, spiritual reparation, repentance, and evangelization, by God’s grace we can convert our culture to the Gospel of Life and to a civilization of love and justice

-Louis Brown J.D. Executive Director Christ Medicus Foundation

This gathering of influential leaders highlights the significance and the importance of the march and the fight to protect life. At Christ Medicus, our advocacy on religious freedom and healthcare rights often engages with key policymakers to advance its mission. There is an important connection in the discussions about both healthcare policy and individual liberties. Possible future collaborations between non-profit organizations and government leaders can lead to meaningful advancements in public policy, potentially impacting millions of citizens across the country.

Large crowd on the national Mall in Washington D.C.

Together, we envision a society where every individual is cherished and given the chance to thrive, a world where the dignity of life is upheld and respected at every stage. The March for Life continues to inspire hope and invigorate efforts towards cultivating a culture that genuinely honors and protects life in its most vulnerable forms.