Health Care Conscience Rights Act – Defending our Health Care Rights
Health Care Conscience Rights Act - Defending our Rights The Christ Medicus Foundation and CMF CURO have worked tirelessly over the past few months to advance the mission of the organization in Washington D.C. and elsewhere. This work involves educating policy makers...
New Spanish Content on FORMED
In celebration of our Lady of Guadalupe, FORMED, the Catholic media resource available to CMF CURO members, announced the addition of books, movies, and talks in Spanish. Discover new content and more at formed.org. Don't forget to log-in with your CMF CURO code found...
The Pro-life Position and Presidential Changes: New Interview on Kresta in the Afternoon
Louis Brown discusses health care in our country and pro-life position issues amidst new presidential and congressional changes, especially regarding the pro-life community. Listen on Ave Maria Radio's Kresta in the Afternoon.
Aleteia article discusses CMF CURO and Health Sharing Ministries
The Catholic news and culture website Aleteia recently talked with CMF CURO for an article on Health Sharing Ministries and the growth in membership among such ministries as insurance premiums rise. Read the story here! Please rate this post! [ratings]
The Coming of Our Hope Advent Retreat – Week 1
Please join the CMF CURO team and membership as we begin our Advent Retreat, entitled "The Coming of Our Hope." We will reflect on the three comings of Christ - his coming into the world at Christmas, his coming at the Last Judgement, and his coming into our hearts -...
The Year of Mercy: The Spiritual – and Physical – Exercise of Forgiveness
“To err is human; to forgive is divine.” Though the quote is overused, poet Alexander Pope’s words are especially poignant now as the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis comes to an end in only a few days, on November 20, the Feast of Christ the King....
How To Negotiate with your Provider
I have had the privilege of speaking with many of you over the phone and assisting you with your medical needs over the past 2 years. Each of you has made a commitment to share with your brothers and sisters in Christ, in conformity with the commandment of Christ to...
CMF CURO hosts press panel in D.C.
On November 2, just days before the presidential election, CMF CURO hosted a press panel at the Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C., titled, "The Changing Face of Health Care and the 2016 Election." Moderated by National Review Online editor-at-large...
The Changing Face of Health Care and the 2016 Election
CMF CURO hosts press panel in Washington D.C. The CMF CURO Team hosted a press panel and breakfast at the Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C. on November 2 to discuss health, the presidential election, and religious liberty in health care. A unique panel...
New Interview on Catholic Connection
Listen as our director Louis Brown speaks with Ave Maria/EWTN's Teresa Tomeo on Catholic Connection. Stay informed about the issues of health care in our country and what Catholics can do, especially in light of the upcoming elections, and our upcoming press event!
National Review Online covers CMF CURO
National Review Online journalist Kathryn Jean Lopez covered the CMF CURO launch in October 2014, and interviewed our co-founder, David Wilson. She writes: "Christians have always been foundational to health care in America (think of the Catholic religious sisters who...
CMF CURO Inaugural Membership Meeting
The CMF CURO Team and Membership celebrated their Inaugural Membership Meeting on Saturday, October 1, 2016 at St. Hugo of the Hills Catholic Church in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. More than 40 members and guests attended for education on the CMF CURO ministry and to...