Trimester Health Challenges and the Pilgrim’s Journey
The Body Makes Visible the Invisible Have you ever wondered what our Trimester Health Challenges are about? At CMF CURO, we want you to be supported and to find community in ALL aspects of your health. The goals of these Health Challenges are to create fun ways to...
Wellness Coaching for CMF CURO Members
A Helpful Service for CURO Members St. John Paul II tells us repeatedly that, “Man only finds himself through a sincere gift of himself.” We all know it is easy to get caught up in assisting others, and in the bustle of our daily lives, we often don’t have the time or...
Cultivating Hope in this Back to School Season of Change
Change is in the Air Days are getting shorter, and the signs of a change of seasons are starting to occur. The new school year is beginning again. Growing up in the desert, I did not always notice the change in seasons, as it was still in the high 100’s in mid-August...
What the Assumption Says about God’s Plan for Us
Mary Model’s our Future Glory What is the Assumption? The Catechism of the Catholic Church, number 966, states our believe that: “Finally the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the course of her earthly life was...