This Week in Washington – May 26, 2017

This Week in Washington, our CMF CURO team: Presented to a member of Congress (R-MO) and pro-religious freedom groups on a Christ Medicus Foundation led letter asking Members of Congress to support H.R. 2310, the Faith in Health Savings Account Act of 2017  ...

This Week in Washington – April 28, 2017

It has been a busy month for CMF CURO in DC! The past few weeks, our team has: Attended the House Values Action Team meeting, chaired by Congresswoman Hartzler (R-MO), where among other issues we discussed the need for the Conscience Protection Act and other...

This Week in Washington – March 24, 2017

UPDATE: The Republican health care bill was pulled from the House floor by Speaker Paul Ryan today just before the scheduled vote. This Week in Washington, Congress debated over Republican health care reforms and the decision to repeal and replace the Affordable Care...

This Week in Washington – March 17, 2017

This Week in Washington, our director Louis Brown (pictured far right), attended a listening session at the White House with President Donald Trump to discuss health care reform. The sessions was picked up by multiple news outlets, including EWTN and the Daily Signal....

This Week in Washington – March 10, 2017

This Week in Washington was a crucial one for the Culture of Life and health care reforms. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) released a letter to Congress identifying the moral criteria for health care reform. This is huge for defending...