We at CMF CURO have put together an Easter Playlist to help you experience Easter in a new way. All songs and previous playlists can be found on Spotify.

For Catholics, the Easter Season is a 50 day celebration which lasts from the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday (April 4, 2021) until Pentecost (May 23, 2021). Above all, this is a season of joy in the glory of life and Christ’s victory over death! We at CMF CURO have curated this Easter playlist – Songs for Celebration – for you to enjoy and joyfully reflect upon throughout the season. Check out our full playlist on Spotify, and be sure to read these wonderful reflections on each song, below. 

1. Christ is Risen by Matt Maher

As the song says “let no one caught in sin remain inside the lie of inward shame”, we need not remain in the lies we cling to that dictate our self-esteem. Christ’s death and resurrection shows us that despite our sin, Jesus loves us and thus we are good. What lies do you believe that keep you from fully embracing the gift of Jesus’ death and resurrection?

2. On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons

The Easter Season gives us a glimpse of the joy we will attain from our own resurrection and full unity with Christ. Perhaps you feel like you are still paying your dues to the dirt amidst this celebratory season. If we persevere one day, we will truly be on top of the world! 

3. Brand New by Ben Rector

Easter is the culmination of God’s pursuit of man. As the beloved, we are brand new as we look upon His life! 

4. Alive Again by Matt Maher

While we as a human race were looking for love in all places that exclude it, love was looking for us! We are a part of the greatest love story of all time and the Easter season reminds us of this! 

5. Born Again by Newsboys

While we can never be who we want to be on our own, we can share in Christ’s victory and attain new life through it! By the very fact that Christ calls us by name, we have no need to look back at our former way of life; we are born again by His wounds!

6. Beautiful Day by U2

Perhaps you find yourself in the midst of great misery this Easter season. The example of Jesus’ death and resurrection shows us that new life requires death, and sometimes a death to ourselves. We know and trust that life will come if all suffering is offered in union with that of Christ.

7. Greater by MercyMe

The Easter message far surpasses the voices from the world that make us doubt our worth and goodness. Where the world reduces us, the Cross elevates us! 

8. It’s Not Over Yet by For King and Country

God has won our freedom, and this liturgical season is truly Redemption Season! The death of our sin does not have the final word, it isn’t over!

9. This Amazing Grace by Phil Wickham

A King who lowered Himself as a lamb for slaughter continues to pour out His mercy. We are offered amazing grace to live for Him! As we prepare for Pentecost let us prepare our hearts to set the world on fire with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is made possible by Christ the mediator!

10. The Wolf by Mumford and Sons

We live in the time of great mercy in which the victory over death has already been won yet the battle for souls continues. Jesus died and rose again out of His desire for us to meet His gaze. He never wanted our perfection but just us. His sacrifice testifies to just that. 

We hope this Songs for Celebration playlist brings you to sense of prayerful reflection throughout this joy-filled season of Easter!