June is for Fathers
June is a month of many things—the feast of the Sacred Heart, the beginning of Summer, pools and grills, and, of course, dads. Celebrating Father’s Day gives us an opportunity to pause and reflect on the gift of Fatherhood, and give thanks for the men who are both natural and spiritual father figures for us. Here are some gift ideas for the Catholic “dads” in your life!
Rugged Rosary

Life can be tough. Prayer helps us through the tough times. Why not make sure dad has a rosary that’s just as tough as he is? Rugged Rosaries can take a beating, and he can keep on beadin’ (you know, like, praying with those rosary beads?)!
Mystic Monk Coffee

The Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen (who is on his way to sainthood!) once said “the average American is physically, biologically, psychologically and neurologically unable to do anything worthwhile before he has a cup of coffee”. If the father in your life is anything like the “average American”, Mystic Monk coffee can help get his day moving with a kick! Their “Dad’s Blend” comes with an extra boost of caffeine, and as a bonus, the coffee is roasted by monks!
The Monk Manual

While we’re on the topic of monks, ever wonder why the monastic life is such a great path to holiness? No, it’s not the beards. It’s about intentionality, balance and reflection. While most of us aren’t called to be monks, there’s a lot we can learn from them and apply to our own lives. The Monk Manual is a daily system and planner that can help you focus on what is truly important and lead you to greater peace and purpose. It also touts a sophisticated, beautiful design.
Barbatus Beard Balm

If the dad in your life is trying to imitate the monks with his beard, however, he’d probably appreciate some fine, Barbatus Beard Balm from the Catholic Balm Co. With names such as “Holy Smokes”, “Orthodoxy”, and “Franciscan”, he can both enhance his beard and rep his faith every time he wears it.
Sock Religious

If you’re looking for something else he could wear, how about some of a man’s favorite accessory–socks? Sock Religious socks come in a variety of eye-catching designs, with saints and themes that cover the whole liturgical year. Want to celebrate the year of St. Joseph? Not a problem! A fan of St. Dominic? They’ve got you covered. More of a Franciscan type? You can throw some of these on with your sandals. You could even sign him up for the Novena Sock Club and get a fresh pair monthly for the next nine months. You can’t go wrong!
Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits

The enemy of our soul is always on the attack, trying to draw us away from trust and hope in God. Every man should be aware of the Spiritual Warfare that we are immersed in and have the tools to fight the good fight. Help equip the spiritual head and protector of your household, known as “dad’. This book by Dan Burke addresses this topic and provides tactics from the saints to combat the evil one and grow in virtue.
Consecration to Jesus through St. Joseph

Lastly, in this Year of St. Joseph, any list would be remiss to leave out the Father-of-All-Earthly-Fathers, St. Joseph. This Consecration to Jesus through St. Joseph encourages a journey into greater intimacy with the Lord, drawing from St. Joseph’s heroic example of holiness. This short book takes an integrative approach, inviting you into reflection, prayer, conversion and healing. It is also a great read for couples, as it can foster insightful discussion!