What Better Way to Celebrate?

We’re already at Independence Day Weekend, in this fast-moving year! We all know there’s watermelon, hotdogs, and fireworks galore. What better way to celebrate the gift of living in the USA than staying FIT this July 4th ?

“F” is for Family and Friends

We are made for community. St. Theresa of Avila, who by the way was a very good friend of St. John of the Cross, once said, “what a great favor God does to those He places in the company of good people”. If you can, spend this weekend with your friends and family. If the past few years have taught us anything, it is that being able to be in the presence of others helps to live fully alive in spirit, mind, and body. If you know someone is going to be alone this weekend, think about sending a note to them, or giving them an encouraging word.

“I” for Indulge

We are made for leisure. It is easy to get carried away in the daily necessities and distractions. This 4th of July, make a choice to live in the moment and be present. Do something you enjoy. Live in the gift of the present, not worrying or focusing solely on what you “have to do”. Be flexible with yourself and those around you. Enjoy this time. Read a novel, go on a walk without your phone, bake something!

“T” is for Thanksgiving

When we get caught up in life, its often easy to forget to give thanks. When we take the time to do so, our outlook on many aspects of our life is transformed. When we take a moment to breathe, we can remember that we are loved by others and by God. In his first mass as Pope, Pope Benedict XVI said, “Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary.” How often do we forget this? Rest in this, this Holiday weekend. Come up with a list of 5 things you are thankful for and write them down. Maybe share these as a family. Express your thanks in your community by going to Mass—after all, the word “Eucharist” means Thanksgiving.

A “FIT” 4th

Hopefully, you have the chance to be in community, to have moments of true leisure, and to be outside. My favorite memories from my childhood are spending the 4th of July outside at the beach with my family. Being from Arizona, it was a great gift to be out of the blazing summer heat for a couple of days.

The CURO team is praying for you all and your families. Have a FIT 4th