By Jen Cox
It’s that time of year, again! Lent begins next Wednesday, March 5th. Can you believe it?
So often we enter Lent ready with a long list of sacrifices and commitments to complete that we lose steam just a handful of days in. What if the Lord is calling you to focus intentionally on one thing instead of all the things?
Lent isn’t about proving our holiness with a long to-do list of goals and resolutions. It’s about refinement, growing in virtue and drawing closer to Christ. By the end of the 40 days, our sacrifices should lead us more closely to the heart of Christ, not make us feel like a complete failure.
What if, this Lent, we focused on one area? An overall theme to guide our prayer, fasting and almsgiving. If you’re looking for a more intentional Lent, with less overwhelm, here is what I recommend.
Choose a Simple Focus for Lent
Your Lenten focus should reflect where you are spiritually and emotionally, right now. What are you struggling most with? What is God calling you to do in this moment? Here are some ideas or areas of focus to consider:
- Trust – Letting go of control, fear, or anxiety and surrendering to God.
- Detachment – Releasing attachments to material things, distractions, or unhealthy habits.
- Silence – Making space to hear God’s voice by reducing noise and busyness.
- Mercy – Practicing forgiveness, patience, and understanding with yourself and others.
- Joy – Choosing to see the goodness in life even amid suffering.
- Discipline – Strengthening virtues like self-control, perseverance, and diligence.
- Healing – Physically, mentally or spiritually. Where could the Lord be inviting you to deeper healing?
Take some time in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving
Once you’ve chosen a theme, set a small, simple practice in each of the three Lenten pillars.
Example 1: Focus on Trust
- Prayer – Pray the Litany of Trust daily or Surrender Novena (you would be able to complete it 5 times!)
- Fasting – Fast from negative self-talk; when the tendency arises pray, “Jesus I trust in You.”
- Almsgiving – Encourage those who may struggle with trust and faith in the Lord, but also be present to them, as they share their own lack of trust and struggles.
Example 2: Focus on Detachment
- Prayer – Meditate on Matthew 6:19-21 (“Do not store up treasures on earth…”).
- Fasting – Declutter one item each day and donate it to someone in need.
- Almsgiving – Donate money you would have spent on non-essential purchases (latte, new make-up, etc)
Create a Sustainable Plan
To keep from feeling overwhelmed, choose one or two practical commitments instead of trying to do everything, every single day. A good Lenten practice should be:
- Challenging but realistic – Stretch yourself, but don’t set yourself up for failure.
- Rooted in love – Sacrifices should bring you closer to God and others, not just be about self-improvement.
- Adaptable – If something isn’t working, adjust rather than giving up and/or beating yourself up.
Suggestion: Schedule a mid-Lent check-in (end of March) to reflect on how your focus is going and adjust if needed.

Remember, Lent isn’t about getting everything right—it’s about opening your heart to transformation. If you miss a day or struggle with consistency, don’t get discouraged. Instead, refocus and keep going. God isn’t asking for perfection; He’s asking for a willing heart.
By choosing one simple focus and aligning it with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, Lent becomes a season of real, lasting growth—not just a 40-day sprint of spiritual to-do’s.