Member Spotlight: Janice Keen

I joined in March 2017 and mailed my first share to a family in Minnesota. What a joyful feeling writing that check instead of the typical premium check for traditional insurance, where one wonders if they really will honor their end of the deal. This way, I know the...

New Weight-Loss Challenge starts 2/6!

The new CMF CURO Weight-Loss Challenge begins Feb. 6 and runs through Mar. 5 . Participate in the challenge by recording your weight once a week, and earn entry into the quarterly drawing for your chance to earn a $100 gift card!   Please rate this post!...

New Spanish Content on FORMED

In celebration of our Lady of Guadalupe, FORMED, the Catholic media resource available to CMF CURO members, announced the addition of books, movies, and talks in Spanish. Discover new content and more at Don’t forget to log-in with your CMF CURO code...

The Coming of Our Hope Advent Retreat – Week 1

Please join the CMF CURO team and membership as we begin our Advent Retreat, entitled “The Coming of Our Hope.” We will reflect on the three comings of Christ – his coming into the world at Christmas, his coming at the Last Judgement, and his coming...

How To Negotiate with your Provider

I have had the privilege of speaking with many of you over the phone and assisting you with your medical needs over the past 2 years. Each of you has made a commitment to share with your brothers and sisters in Christ, in conformity with the commandment of Christ to...