Healing Begins by, First, Loving

For many, the week of November 3, 2020 felt longer than the seven months prior spent under Coronavirus lockdowns. While the uncertainty over the election results has not quite dissipated from the heart of every American, we must understand what made this election so polarizing, and how we can continue to bring the light of Christ to a wounded nation.

The division seen in this year’s presidential election is indicative of many deep-seated problems within our culture, particularly its reflection on our collective priorities. Through a simple observation of social media platforms and every day conversations, one might conclude that shouting the loudest, being right, and ties to identity politics are of the highest priority in the society we live in.

I know I am not alone in witnessing the hostility and complete disregard for human dignity that swept over every outlet of public life amidst the height of political campaigning. It seemed that there was a collective disregard for the value of personal discernment and freedom of conscience. To put it simply, if someone did not agree with your political opinion, you were deemed to be wrong and malevolently intentioned by that person. This judgement of others based on their opinions is inconsistent with our call to love and to share the Catholic Worldview, as Catholic Christians.

I can’t help but wonder what we, as a society, neglected these last few months while we laboriously argued over the legitimacy  of each other’s politics. What aspects of our lives, which we have great power over, like our health, were neglected?

Our Preeminent Call to Share and Participate in the Family of Christ

The family, referred to by St. Pope John Paul II as “a school of deeper humanity,” is where we learn how to love and how to form our perception of ourselves. While we live in a society where family life is becoming less and less valued, evident in our treatment of the unborn, what we observed during this past election season should come as no surprise. It was apparent to me that many had come to identify themselves by their wounds, rather than their relationship with Christ, as the family is called to proclaim.

The hostility and division we all saw is indicative of a deeply wounded society, composed of deeply wounded individuals. As Catholics we know that total healing comes from the Divine Physician Himself. And while a majority of people do not have the power or influence to bring Christ to the masses, every individual has the capability to bring Him to those he or she lives among: their families. 

As Advent approaches, let us reflect on how we can bring Christ back into our culture – starting by sharing our Catholic worldview and Catholic identity with our families. God has entrusted us to share His love and to create a family of Christians among the wounded. 

A Culture of Healing Begins with your Healthcare

Consider the ways in which you can include Christ’s healing in your health care, a realm of our culture that is becoming increasingly hostile to the person of Christ. Perhaps a health care option centered on Christ, such as CMF CURO. To learn more about your healthcare options, you can book an appointment here or call 800-840-7471 to speak with a member of our team. 

If you are already a CMF CURO member, consider whether or not the Lord desires you to participate in the CMF CURO member Advent Study this year! To sign up and learn more about this year’s Advent Study, click here.