
5 Tips for Referring CMF CURO

Do you love being part of our Catholic community, but don’t know how to share who we are and what we offer? Here are five tips to help you spread the news and refer our ministry! Start by creating a list of people you think might be interested in CMF CURO. This can...

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Health Care: A Right or an Entitlement?

The public discussion in the United States about health care is carried out on the level of dialectical opposites and there is confusion about elementary terms. This article is a brief attempt to clarify what is truly at stake in the current health care discussion and...

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Member Spotlight: Janice Keen

I joined in March 2017 and mailed my first share to a family in Minnesota. What a joyful feeling writing that check instead of the typical premium check for traditional insurance, where one wonders if they really will honor their end of the deal. This way, I know the...

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What is Wrong with The Affordable Care Act

By Michael Arthur Vacca, Esq. The Affordable Care Act should have protected the freedom of choice in health care and furthered access through incentivizing competition in the marketplace. Instead, it fines Americans who are without health care because they believe...

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New CMF CURO Advisory Board Event!

CMF CURO is glad to announce our new Board of Advisers! Last week, CMF CURO hosted an event in Washington D.C. for our friends and supporters, and to announce our new board. “Our advisers will be champions for the credibility, growth, and vibrancy of the CMF CURO...

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