St. Patrick’s Day 2023: Can we eat meat and St. Patrick’s whole health witness?
This Year’s Dilemma This year St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Friday during Lent, leading many to despair over missing out on corned beef, a traditional St. Patrick’s Day dish. However, many Bishops across the country have granted their diocese a dispensation from the...
How A Break From Social Media Affected My Whole Health
by Kate Allwein My journey away from social media began in 2022 when a “mom friend” asked if I would join a group called FIAT, a 90 day program for women that consisted of fasting, prayer, Scripture reading, increased reception of the Sacraments, and an all-around...
How To Grow in Whole Health This Lent
Lent is a time of self-discipline so that Christ can live more fully in us. You may be wondering: how do I have the most fruitful Lent I have ever had? What practices can help me in my Lenten journey with our Lord? It is wise to begin with asking the...
The Necessity of Accompaniment for your Whole Health: In Spirit, Mind, and Body
Motivational speaker Jim Rohn is attributed to the following quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” This statement reveals the human tendency to take on the tendencies of those we allow to influence us=. It shows us the reality...
Cultivating Gratitude for Your Whole Health
“The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for what He is sending us every day in His goodness.” – St. Gianna Beretta Molla Starting off 2023, CURO members had the opportunity to participate in our Gratitude Gameboard Challenge. For a month,...
Natural Remedies for Sore Throats that St. Blaise Would Endorse
St. Blaise has long been revered in the Church as an intercessor for the healing of throats. On his feast day (February 3rd) and the days surrounding, many participate in a throat blessing. But where does this come from? St. Blaise was a bishop and doctor, living in...
The Healing Love of Christ: A Defense for Innocent Life
Tomorrow, many from across the country will gather in Washington D.C. for the first March for Life since the overturning of Roe V. Wade. Although the Dobb’s decision brought about a tremendous victory this past year, there is still much work to be done for the future...
Goals To Help You Flourish: Approaching Your New Year’s Resolution
This new year, we invite you to dream! Reflect on where you are, in your spiritual life, with work balance, and with your physical health. This is not a time to cast judgments on yourself or on others, but a time to simply assess. New starts can be very helpful aids...
Encountering Advent as a Pregnant Mother
While we often speak about Advent as awaiting the coming of our Messiah, there is a silent watchfulness and preparation of Mary’s entire being that has the ability to draw us even closer to her son. Mary’s maternal preparation can be easily overlooked in light of the...
The 3 Most Important Questions You Should Be Asking About Your Health Care
Health care and wellness is a multi-trillion dollar industry, spanning from doctor visits and insurance plans all the way to the pharmacy and the grocery store. It touches almost every aspect of our lives, and yet we almost never stop to ask ourselves if we’re really...
Preparing for Thanksgiving in Spirit, Mind, and Body
Thanksgiving, a time of family, friendship, community, and food, is quickly approaching. How can we better prepare this year for this upcoming holiday? How can we prepare our whole person, in spirit, mind, and body for the business and/or stress that it may entail?...
All Saints Day: The Importance of Community
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. Why do Catholics celebrate the lives of the Saints? Why do we ask for their Intercession? St. Thomas Moore answers these questions saying, “Those in the Catholic Church, whom some rebuke for praying to Saints and going...