
“Let Her Be Your Mother”

It is the role of all mothers to lead their children closer to Christ, and Mary provides the perfect example to follow. In a very real way, she nurtures the Church with grace and protects us from harm through her intercession with the One she formed in her very womb.

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Living Heath Care Fully Alive

Health care should be centered on the individual created in the image and likeness of God, and we are healthiest when we focus on our whole health! When we have healthy relationships, live in a healthy community, and when we are actively engaged in and are responsible...

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Heartbeat Bills Save Lives Across the United States

Heartbeat Bills Save Lives Across the United States

We applaud the efforts of Georgia and Alabama in their stand for life. We encourage CMF CURO members and pro-life advocates alike to support similar legislation in their home states, to continue to work with us as we fight for life, and most of all, to pray to Our Lord and Savior that the inherent dignity that every human being has be recognized and protected in our law.

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The State of Health Care in the United States

The State of Health Care in the United States

It is important to remember that beyond the politics and rhetoric are American citizens who need reliable, effective, and affordable health care. To ease the financial burden of paying high premiums and the moral burden of supporting procedures that go against Church teaching, Catholic health care ministries like CMF CURO and Solidarity Health Share have entered the health sharing landscape to minister to those Americans that choose to forego traditional and ACA sponsored plans.

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