The (In)Equality Act: A Threat to Civil Rights & Religious Freedom
On May 17, 2019, the Christ Medicus Foundation released the following statement regarding HR 5 the "Equality Act" May 17, 2019 During this 116th Congressional Session, certain Members of Congress introduced HR 5, known as the “Equality Act” which would, among other...
Heartbeat Bills Save Lives Across the United States
We applaud the efforts of Georgia and Alabama in their stand for life. We encourage CMF CURO members and pro-life advocates alike to support similar legislation in their home states, to continue to work with us as we fight for life, and most of all, to pray to Our Lord and Savior that the inherent dignity that every human being has be recognized and protected in our law.
From Darkness to Light: A Review of Unplanned
This weekend the powerful movie Unplanned was released in theaters nationwide, surprising many with a strong opening. Unplanned tells the true story of what happened to Abby Johnson, a former clinic director of Planned Parenthood who left the abortion industry after 8...
CMF Executive Director Weighs in on the Health Care Debate
Louis Brown weighs in on the health care debate on EWTN News Nightly. Watch it now:
The State of Health Care in the United States
It is important to remember that beyond the politics and rhetoric are American citizens who need reliable, effective, and affordable health care. To ease the financial burden of paying high premiums and the moral burden of supporting procedures that go against Church teaching, Catholic health care ministries like CMF CURO and Solidarity Health Share have entered the health sharing landscape to minister to those Americans that choose to forego traditional and ACA sponsored plans.
Medicare for All and the Illusion of Government Run Healthcare
Under this bill, abortion would be covered, qualifying as “medically necessary care” for all United States citizens and would be funded through proposed tax increases and government funding. This presents a conundrum for faithful Catholics and pro-life advocates alike who oppose abortion on religious and moral grounds.
Pro-Life is Pro-Science: CMF CURO on the front lines at March for Life 2019
In lieu of March for Life and the RHA, Catholics all over the United States are searching for Catholic Health Insurance and Catholic health plans that don’t force them compromise their values.
Combating the New Cultural Deity: Individualism & The Fate of the Unborn in New York
As Americans and as Catholics, we should all mourn the recent legislative bill known as the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) passed in New York State by Governor Andrew Cuomo which expands access to abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy and provides lenient exceptions for...
Remaining Firm in the Truth of Life
On October 14th, 2018, Pope Paul VI was canonized a saint in Rome. In many ways, his pontificate was characterized by strength in the face of adversity. He assumed leadership of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960’s, a tumultuous time during which the cultural...
RISE Daily Reflections: Friday, October 19th, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018 READ: At that time: So many people were crowding together that they were trampling one another underfoot. Jesus began to speak, firs to his disciples, “Beware of the leaven—that is, the hypocrisy—of the Pharisees. There is nothing concealed...
Listen to CMF CURO’s Assistant Director of Ministry and Policy, Michael Vacca, talk about Catholic healthcare on Ave Maria Radio: Catholic Connection
CMF CURO’s Assistant Director of Ministry and Policy Development, Michael Vacca, discusses the 2018 Catholic Medical Association’s educational conference with Teresa Tomeo. Michael discusses the personal nature of healthcare, CMF CURO’s vision for healthcare, how CMF...
The Supreme Court and Building a Culture of Life
On Monday President Trump announced his selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the United States Supreme Court. As Catholics, we hope and pray that Mr. Kavanaugh will author or join decisions that recognize the inherent dignity and...