
New CMF CURO Advisory Board Event!

CMF CURO is glad to announce our new Board of Advisers! Last week, CMF CURO hosted an event in Washington D.C. for our friends and supporters, and to announce our new board. “Our advisers will be champions for the credibility, growth, and vibrancy of the CMF CURO...

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CMF CURO on Ave Maria Radio

Listen to the CMF CURO team talk about the latest in the health care debates in Washington D.C. on Ave Maria Radio's Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo!  

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Letter to the Senate

Please read this letter to the Senate from various pro-life, pro-family, and medical organizations about the importance of including pro-life protections in health care reforms. Signed by more than 80 organizations, the letter urges the Senate to consider these points...

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This Week in Washington – May 26, 2017

This Week in Washington, our CMF CURO team: Presented to a member of Congress (R-MO) and pro-religious freedom groups on a Christ Medicus Foundation led letter asking Members of Congress to support H.R. 2310, the Faith in Health Savings Account Act of 2017  ...

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