This Week in Washington – May 26, 2017
This Week in Washington, our CMF CURO team: Presented to a member of Congress (R-MO) and pro-religious freedom groups on a Christ Medicus Foundation led letter asking Members of Congress to support H.R. 2310, the Faith in Health Savings Account Act of 2017 ...
NCR reports on health care bill
Read CMF CURO director Louis Brown's quotes in the National Catholic Registers coverage of the new health care bill. Health Care Bill Awaits Senate Scrutiny
Aleteia speaks to CMF CURO about health care reform
Read CMF CURO quoted in Aleteia's article on our country's new health care reform bill. At CMF CURO, we see this new bill as the first step toward protecting human life and religious liberty in health care. Read more: What you need to know about the healthcare bill as...
“Catholics offer ‘out-of-the-box’ health care” in San Francisco
Read Catholic San Francisco's coverage of our meeting in San Francisco last month, where our co-founder Mike O'Dea and others spoke on the importance of restoring Catholic health care.
House passes health care reform bill, President signs executive order on Religious Liberty
The House voted today to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, and to start to improve the American health care system with the American Health Care Act. “This is a hugely important step, but it is just the first step to improving health care...
New Interview with Teresa Tomeo!
Listen to our newest interview on Ave Maria Radio/ EWTN's Catholic Connection! Stay informed about your faith and your health care as a Catholic consumer!
President Trump’s first 100 days
CMF CURO is quoted in this summary of the President's first 100 days in office. Read about it here!
CMF CURO on EWTN’s Pro-life Weekly
Watch our director Louis Brow's interview on EWTN's Pro-life Weekly! (starting at 12:45)
This Week in Washington – April 28, 2017
It has been a busy month for CMF CURO in DC! The past few weeks, our team has: Attended the House Values Action Team meeting, chaired by Congresswoman Hartzler (R-MO), where among other issues we discussed the need for the Conscience Protection Act and other...
This Week in Washington – March 24, 2017
UPDATE: The Republican health care bill was pulled from the House floor by Speaker Paul Ryan today just before the scheduled vote. This Week in Washington, Congress debated over Republican health care reforms and the decision to repeal and replace the Affordable Care...
New Homilies from the Fathers of Mercy
Listen to new homilies from CMF CURO member and Father of Mercy priest Fr. Ricardo Pineda. [ratings]
National Catholic Register blog on Christ Medicus Foundation
Read Monseigneur Charles Pope's blog for the National Catholic Register on our health care system and the Christ Medicus Foundation. Read the blog here!