An Epiphany In Health Care: A Christ Centered Approach
This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany! The Epiphany celebrates the Manifestation of Jesus as the Son of God. In other words, through the commemoration of the three wise men bringing gifts to an Infant in a humble manger, it highlights the Kingship of...
The Light of Hope This Christmas
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of...
Growing in Gratitude with the Saints this Advent
As the days grow shorter, the weather colder, and the leaves have mostly fallen from the trees, we are presented with an opportunity to reflect. Corresponding with this opportunity, we find ourselves in the season of Advent. We may be tempted to think about the...
The Gluten-Free Diet: Daily Life and the Sacramental Life
The month of November among many other things is Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month. And if you are on a gluten-free diet you are likely very aware that gluten is difficult to avoid in the American Diet! You might have even discovered unexpected spiritual side-effects...
The Little Way of Flourishing
It’s tempting to desire to be something other than who we are. From a young age, we are encouraged to dream, to hope, to plan for the future, and this is a beautiful thing. As Pope Benedict XVI reminded us at World Youth Day in Madrid, “Men and women were created for...
Serving the Gospel of Life; Safeguarding our Little Ones
Growing up, I always found it interesting how many of my family and friends were born in the month of September. Being a September baby myself, I found this very exciting. According to the Social Security Administration, this wasn’t just the observed coincidence of a...
Never Despairing Over Anyone’s Salvation: Looking to St. Monica
We all know the story at the Crucifixion, in which the Good Thief who, after a life of sin, says to Jesus, just prior to his death on the cross, “Lord, remember me when you enter into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42). Our Lord immediately responds: “Truly, I say to you,...
Observing “National Family Month”: Nourishing Your Family’s Whole Health From a Catholic Perspective
August is known as National Family Fun Month! As the school year approaches, and life gets busy again, now is a good time to take advantage of the end of summer to spend quality time with family and enjoy the gift of leisure together! Family fun that is oriented...
Three Ways We Can Support Our Priests
On August 4th, we celebrate the feast of St. John Vianney. St. John is the patron saint of the parish priest. He had a great passion for serving the Church, spending close to 42 years in pastoral ministry in the town of Ars, France. While not viewed as an academic,...
CMF CURO Spring 2023 Little Way Newsletter
The Spring 2023 edition of the Christ Medicus Foundation and CMF CURO Little Way Newsletter is out! This Spring's newsletter takes a deeper look at CURO's new Whole Health programs, as well as looking at pro-life health care in a post-Roe world. Read it here or click...
The Ascension as Our Springboard to Wholeness
The Ascension of our Lord acts as a guiding light for our role as disciples. Acts of the Apostles says that Jesus told his apostles, “you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and...
Looking to Jesus as the Ultimate Counselor this Mental Health Awareness Month
The Month of May is nationally known as Mental Health Awareness Month. While one in five people will suffer from mental illness in their lifetime, all people will face life challenges that have the ability to affect mental health.[1] As Catholics we understand...