How to Live Fully Alive While Social Distancing

How to Live Fully Alive While Social Distancing

Tips for prayerful living during COVID-19 As Catholics we are united through Christ and the resources of our rich faith. Our shared love of Christ far surpasses the constrictions of the material world. This is especially important to remember in troubled times like...
What Is Catholic Health Care?

What Is Catholic Health Care?

Over the course of human history, the art of health and medicine has evolved tremendously across cultures and eras. When enlightened by the Catholic understanding of the human person, medicine is an art of healing geared towards the cultivation of life. Health care...
Catholic Health Care 2020

Catholic Health Care 2020

Catholic Health Care 2020 – Everything You Need To Know 2020 is upon us! While there are many secular health options and health sharing ministries to choose from, CMF CURO provides a unique and authentically Catholic experience which makes it the clear choice...
October is Respect Life Month

October is Respect Life Month

Updated 10/14/2021 Pro-Life Catholic Health Care October is widely recognized by Catholics and pro-life advocates as Respect Life Month. This month, CMF CURO honors the unborn and those targeted by the culture of death in the United States. As a member of CMF CURO,...

From Darkness to Light: A Review of Unplanned

This weekend the powerful movie Unplanned was released in theaters nationwide, surprising many with a strong opening. Unplanned tells the true story of what happened to Abby Johnson, a former clinic director of Planned Parenthood who left the abortion industry after 8...
Remaining Firm in the Truth of Life

Remaining Firm in the Truth of Life

On October 14th, 2018, Pope Paul VI was canonized a saint in Rome. In many ways, his pontificate was characterized by strength in the face of adversity. He assumed leadership of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960’s, a tumultuous time during which the cultural...